Sean was interviewed by the Hines College of Architecture and Design. To read the full interview click here.
I had the pleasure of working with Brittany Utting and Daniel Jacobs of HOME-OFFICE on HOUSTON-VARIATIONS. In 2022, Brittany and Daniel were winners of the RDA Houston Design Research Grant for this project. The project explores typological adaptations to Houston’s climatic and economic forms.
Below are some of the photographs I took for them. To learn more about the project, visit Home-Office’s website here.
The Art of Exhibition Photography
I have been lucky enough to document a some great exhibitions at several different museums around Houston. In many ways, photographing the layout of the artwork within the exhibition spaces is similar to photographing interior spaces. However, it can be vastly different focusing on the art first and foremost rather than the space itself. Below is a collection of photographs from various exhibitions.